Top 5 Food Allergens for Dogs | Health & Wellness


True enough, certain ingredients can prove as food allergens for dogs just like in the case of human beings and to ensure health & wellness in dogs, you need to know these particular foods. Approximately 37%-47% of American households have a dog. (1) Dogs may play across the home, the entire day, wagging their bushy tail but might get dull and intolerant as soon as they are served with food. Dog owners might wonder what causes them sickness after feeding on those particular meals. Yes, certain kinds of foods can cause itchy skin, ear infections, and GI issues such as vomiting and diarrhea in them. (2)

Fig. 1 Common Signs of Dog Allergy (3)

Top 5 Food Allergens that prove harmful for dogs:

1. Dairy Products: Dogs have a difficult time digesting lactose, thus causing itching and indigestion.

2. Beef: Beef is one of the most common food allergens in dogs as it is rich in protein.

3. Soy: Soy can cause severe health issues in dogs beyond mere allergy and the health risks associated with it are extremely high in dogs.

4. Eggs: Many dogs display aversive allergy towards eggs as too much protein affects their immune system.

5. Wheat: Some dogs do have an allergy to carbohydrate-containing foods such as grains, particularly wheat. However, it’s not too common.

However, if you are concerned about your dog health and wellness, we would recommend you consult a pet nutritionist as nothing can substitute for professional veterinary help.
